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    Most hospitals are missing at least $1M in revenue from Medicare bad debt

    Most hospitals are missing at least $1M in revenue from Medicare bad debt. Unfortunately, most are unaware that this revenue is available and collectible.

    F2 Healthcare (a Meduit company) can help. Our team has found missed value 100% of the time by leveraging advanced technologies that identify these missed revenues. Then we move to collect those revenues for you.

    How It Works

    The F2 team works with hospitals to:

    • Access relevant data, validate that data and then load it into our proprietary analytics tool
    • Automated algorithms analyze that data to locate missed revenue
    • Draft a strategy to collect that missed revenue and return it to the hospital

     The F2 team has partnered with 250 hospitals and health systems across the country. We have identified and recovered as much as $2.2 million in new value found per client/partner. There is no risk. If we do not find any missed value, there is no charge.

     Find out today how much revenue your hospital may be missing. Click here to get your custom analysis at no cost to you:

    Learn more here